
Rag of Agony

Grave Digger The dead are piling up faster than you can dig graves. The town’s outta luck, overrun by a plague so nasty it makes your grandma’s stew look appetizing. Those brave enough to help the poor souls shuffling off this mortal coil? Gone. Poof.


That leaves you, the gravedigger. Not exactly hero material, but someone’s gotta do the dirty work.

In Rag of Agony, a wicked text-based puzzler, you’ll use old-school burial rituals to uncover what’s eating these folks from the inside out. Think ghost whisperer, but with a shovel. The clock’s ticking faster than a startled rat. Every day, more folks kick the bucket, and space is running out faster than a politician’s promise.


But hey, at least you ain’t alone. Carters deliver the dearly departed, and the restless spirits themselves might cough up some clues. Piece together the puzzle and send those poor souls to a peaceful dirt nap. Choose wisely, because your decisions carve your own path. With 30 days on the clock and a ton of branching storylines, you can face one of 10 messed up endings.

Inspired by killer games like:

  • Sherlock Holmes: (Frogwares) Put your thinking cap on, just like everyone’s favorite pipe-smoking detective.
  • Papers, Please: (Lucas Pope) Every choice matters, so don’t mess up like that intern who spilled coffee on the boss’s cat.
  • Undertale: (Toby Fox) Do your thing, but remember, there’s more than one way to skin a skeleton… metaphorically speaking, of course. This ain’t that kind of game.
